Mars Plaisir

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Mars Plaisir was Toussaint Louverture's valet and traveled with him to Fort de Joux into French captivity, arriving on August 23, 1802 he was separated from Toussaint just two weeks later and sent to the port city of Nantes, to another prison, on September 7, 1802.

Madame Toussaint and her children were conveyed to Bayonne [after arriving in France], where they were placed under the supervision of General Ducos. L'Ouverture, with his servant, Mars Plaisir, was put on shore at Landerneau, where they were taken in charge by two companies of cavalry. Compelled to quit immediately, Toussaint in one carriage and Mars in another set out for Paris under a strong guard. (Beard p. 283)

Mars Plaisir was ... taken away [from Toussaint at Fort de Joux; on September 7, 1802] by an express order of the [French] Government. In parting from him, Toussaint L'Ouverture said, "Carry my last farewell to my wife, my children, and my niece. Would I could console thee under this cruel separation: be assured of my friendship and of the remembrance which I shall always preserve of thy services and of thy devotedness." (Beard p. 283)

Mars Plaisir was loaded with chains and sent to Nantes, where he was put in prison. But unwelcome truths make their way through bars and walls; therefore was the good servant specially guarded and watched, lest, before his master's demise, he should disclose facts that might prove troublesome, or set in motion instruments that might traverse the designs of the tyrant [Napoléon Bonaparte]. (Beard p. 283)

See also


  • Beard, J. R. (John Relly) (1863). Toussaint L'Ouverture: A Biography and Autobiography. Chapel Hill, NC: Academic Affairs Library, UNC-CH. Online Publication